The element of emphasis represented i color. The eye is naturally drawn to colors that contrast its background greatly. I choose to use a light grey background. I then put a dot that was bright blue, so that the eye would be naturally drawn to that first. I then made a darker grey and a light purple dot, in hopes that they would be a secondary focus of the image. I was successful in this image because i created one figure that stands out more than the others because of the color contrast. When i look at this image my eye is drawn to the bright blue dot, which leads to me to believe i was successful.
The image above is a representation of indefinite versus definite shapes. The idea is that forms with more definite lines draw the eye to them before objects that have indefinite shapes. I did this by taking my brush and adjusting the hardness of the brush, the harder the brush the more definite shapes it makes and the softer the brush the more indefinite shapes that it will make. I think that i was successful in accomplishing having one object stand out more than the other two, by creating a more definite shape, it allows the image in the bottom right to stand out more. I think i was successful because when i look at this image my eye is naturally drawn towards it.
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